Andonia Giannakouros

Andonia Giannakouros is a representational painter working in oil. Her work focuses on the human figure making use of repetition to symbolize disruption, vibration, and to mimic images from her childhood, specifically repeating posters pasted onto walls in Europe. Her work is symbolic of the flattening of time/space/memory combining local and global events with her personal narrative. Andonia was born in Dubuque, Iowa where she studied studio art at Clarke University. She lives and works in Dubuque, Iowa after returning from six years in Memphis, Tennessee.

She created one piece in Dubuque, titled “Irakulia”. Located behind Monks coffee shop, it accents the creativity that Dubuque hold and shines a light on the talent of the local artists within out community. 


Located at: 373 Bluff St. Dubuque, IA

12′ x 20′